Monday 18 October 2010

Training tips design - How to use styles of adult learning principles and in the next course

So has finally decided to go therefore, and designing his first workshop, tele-clase or home Studio! Do you now what? The first thing is first. You need some knowledge of working styles and adult learning principles to guide the design of courses.

One of the books that I always have on my bookshelf is formation of Ain ' T by Harold Stolovitch and Erica is queda.Describen four key principles of Malcolm Knowles, a leader in the field of adult education.

Available. Adult learners come to you with knowledge, attitudes and priorities - all which affect their level of preparedness. Experience.

Take into account their experience level – not only with its contents, but overall life and business as well as experience. Autonomy.General adult learners decide what aprenden.Este decision-making process matters, because when they decide to participate better their, retain more and stay committed to their course information. Action.Your course must provide a way to apply new information immediately. Adults take a course because need new information or a new skill now; they want to apply it now and see the results.

Next is learning motivation. remember that your audience is taking its most likely course because they made the choice to be allĂ­.Independientemente your theme, your student is usually motivated by a specific need.

A student may be motivated by:

Achieving a specific objective. For example, if the course on internet marketing, a student could be a business owner small looking for specific ways to increase internet traffic. Is content schema specific objectives? Social contact and relations.The student is interested in meeting and build relationships with people.

So I would like to use Twitter or join an electronic mailing list to collaborate during its course. Learning for the sake of learning.Is possible that some students that are there only because they love learning or topic.

Finally, consider the possibility of learning styles.This refers to how a student prefers to consume, process, and apply the new information. most of us is strong in one area, but also use others as secondary methods. Some styles to take into account when creating your course:

Visual.Visual learners could draw diagrams, video, or use images to help better understand the information.Ear.Auditory learners might like listening to podcasts and tele-clases to help assimilate information, or participate in a conversation as coach.They also like could read along with listen or view transcript.Tactile kinesthetic.The student could prefer learning by making efforts in motion or take notes in a student as part of the class participation guide.

Basic knowledge of principles and learning styles will make a noticeable difference in the design of the course.

We invite you to visit and subscribe to my e-curso, "5 strategies essential to transforming Booked Solid."

I am the owner and the main learning designer Amy Franko Consulting.Yo I am also a certified book Yourself Solid ? business coach, women who are serving as solista.Utilizar professionals to serve a simple system of protocols, specifically designed to bring more ideal for your business, even if marketing and sales is not something that you like to make customers!

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